Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Blogging for Money - Various Ways

Blogging for money has come a long way since 2004 -05. While blogging for money paid rich dividends 7 - 8 years back - many layers has come into the simple process in the interim years.

Blogging for money is not just about finding a niche and putting useful posts at regular intervals - any longer. People made millions following that simple formula some years back. Now, the gaps are filled, more opportunities have arisen, more advertising money is being poured in, the audience is more targeted and the complications have risen manifold.

Content can be used to draw eyespace, bring readers and the same content can be used to market products, teach, engage - while the inline text can be used as spinoffs for further advertising. Job boards, forums, ebooks, courses, virtual products, videos, physical products can all be entwined with simple blogging to garner some dollars.

Here is a link to a page at problogger that shows the various ways to make money by blogging.


Dont give up - a niche, perseverance and persistence should still pay.

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