Thursday, 8 May 2008

How Much Adsense Earnings Can A Newbie Make on Xomba?

This is especially for all you newbies out there. I remember when I joined Xomba in September, I had absolutely no idea that there was money to be made online. I thought all these money making sites were just fairy tales.

First few days are bad... You are new and you still confuse between blurbs and bytes, your adsense earnings are miserly, you keep on posting what you think will get money, finally in desperation, sleazy copy and paste a line or two for blurbs (because it does say that xomblurbs are for pointing out good stuff, and you think pasting a line or two is pointing - but plagiarization is plagiarization - 1 line or Ten lines!), Nick bans you, you curse...

Believe me, there is always a blending problem when you start any new job, Xomba is not any different!

If however, you survive all this you will find you have a crystallized view on how to make money on this site. See, through all these you have been writing, posting blurbs. You have posted, lets say, 20X10=200 interesting blurbs and maybe a few good bytes too in ten days. And suddenly your adsense account looks better. You are earning in dollars, not cents. A single good blurb/byte that catches fancy can make 2-3 dollars in a few hours! I had made 4 dollars on my fourth day at Xomba and I had never before written online. It takes 2 hours to post that 20 blurbs...and in 100 days you will have 2000 blurbs. That may easily give you an average earning of 10 dollars a day! Just dont lets bad spellings, insipid content spoil the party! So, its not bad you see - 3rd month and you are making $ 300 a month! Yes as a newbie you can easily get that...and it will be worth the effort...

Its only my 5th month online, I dont know where my online earnings are headed from here, but I am surely enjoying it! And am striving to reach that $1000 a month...maybe next month?

To Make Money On Xomba - Join Xomba Here!

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